Safety training

At UNIS we focus on conducting fieldwork in a safe manner, and our safety courses are an important part of this.

The main safety course for semester students starting in January lasts for six days and provides a thorough introduction to the different risk scenarios in Svalbard during the winter season. This course is also compulsory master’s and PhD students, as well as permanent staff.

If you start to study at UNIS in other periods than January, you are offered a 1,5-day compulsory safety course. This course is also the minimum of safety training required for guest lecturers and others that want to conduct fieldwork related to UNIS.

All safety courses include a polar bear safety training with rifle shooting. If the polar bear safety training was conducted more than six months ago you are required to join a polar bear safety refresh course.

You will need additional courses if you plan to use snowmobile or boat transport as part of your fieldwork.

If you are enrolled in an academic course at UNIS necessary safety courses will be organized by the course responsible. If you are not enrolled in a course but are planning to conduct fieldwork with UNIS, you will have to sign up using the link below.

NB! This link is only for people connected to UNIS