Educational quality report

The reports on educational quality assesses the work and developments involving educational quality at UNIS. The reports consist of results from evaluations, brief reports from sections working on educational quality and input from various departments at UNIS. The report also includes the status of measures in last year’s report, as well as a list of new measures for next year.

The educational quality report is a part of the quality assurance system for education to assure high quality and continuous focus on improvements in all educational activities at UNIS. The quality report is the directors report to the UNIS board and presents the overall educational quality work at UNIS. Below you will find a list of educational quality reports for UNIS from 2015 and onward.

Student- and education statistics

The report on student- and education statistics reports on numbers of students, courses, degrees and grades provided by UNIS. It also reports on the collaboration with the mainland universities including the number of student from each educational institution. UNIS student- and education statistics is compiled in February each year for the preceding year and will
together with UNIS’ report on educational quality and UNIS’ annual report, give a picture of the joint
educational activities at UNIS

YearEducational quality reportsStudent- and education statistics
2023Educational quality report (NO, ENG)
2021Educational quality report (NO,)Student- and education statistics (NO, ENG)
2020Educational quality report (NO, ENG)Student- and education statistics (NO, ENG)
2019Educational quality report (NO)Student- and education statistics (NO, ENG)
2018Educational quality report (NO)Student- and education statistics (NO)
2017Educational quality report (NO)Student- and education statistics (NO)
2016Educational quality report (NO)
2015Educational quality report (NO)