As a part of ongoing research, UNIS has put up several weather stations around Longyearbyen. If you are going out in the field, the information from these weather stations can give you a more accurate picture of the current weather conditions.

If you have any questions concerning these data, please contact

UNIS weather stations


UNIS has collected weather data for years, and they are available in the following datasets. These data may only be used for non-commercial purposes. When data is used in publications, presentations etc., UNIS must be acknowledged as the source. These data have not been quality controlled and UNIS takes no responsibility for errors or missing data.

Adventdalen (hour dataset) 2016 – now (zip file)
Adventdalen (one second dataset) 2020 (zip file)
Adventdalen (one second dataset) 2019 (zip file)
Adventdalen (one second dataset) 2018 (zip file)
Adventdalen (one second dataset) 2017 (zip file)
Adventdalen (one second dataset) 2016 (zip file)
Adventdalen (one second dataset) 2015 (zip file)
Adventdalen (one second dataset) 2014 (zip file)
Adventdalen (one second dataset) 2013 (zip file)
Adventdalen (one second dataset) 2012 (zip file)
Adventdalen (one second dataset) 2011 (zip file)
Adventdalen (one second dataset) 2010 (zip file)
Adventdalen (one second dataset) 2009 (zip file)
Adventdalen (assorted datasets) 1993–April 2009 (zip file)
Adventdalen radiation (5 minute dataset) 2012 – now (zip file)
Janssonhaugen (hour dataset) 2011 – now (zip file)
Gruvefjellet (hour dataset) 2020-11 – now (zip file)
Gruvefjellet (hour dataset) 2006-11 – 2020-06 (zip file)
Breinosa (5 minute dataset) 2017 – now (zip file)
Breinosa (5 minute dataset) 2007 – 2017 (zip file)
Bohemanneset (hour dataset) 2014 – 2019 (zip file)
CTD data power station (assorted datasets) 2006-2008 (zip file)
CTD data Isfjorden (out of service, latest data from March 2017)

Iwin (Isfjorden weather information network)

By providing online real-time data, the network furthermore helps to plan and conduct field activities in a safe manner. Find out more about the project and check out the latest data from our stations here.