The APC may be covered for you by UNIS according to these conditions:

  • Corresponding and first author must state an UNIS affiliation when submitting the publication. The UNIS affiliation must also be stated on the publication itself.
  • The publication must be eligible for the reporting to The Norwegian Scientific Index, specifically: The publication must be peer reviewed and present new research results based on the author’s original research.
  • The journal must be registered with level 1 or 2 in NSD’s publication channel register.
  • The journal must offer a Plan S compliant publishing route according to Journal Checker Tool.
  • If the journal is included in one of UNIS Publish and Read agreements, the APC can be covered as part of the agreement, regardless of Gold or Hybrid publishing.
  • Journals not included in a UNIS agreement: Hybrid publishing will not be covered.
  • UNIS covers Gold Open Access (journal indexed in DOAJ) up to NOK 30 000. If the APC exceeds this, the author will have to cover the excess amount.

See also How to publish Open Access


Before submitting your article to the publisher, send your publishing plan to inform the UNIS library by using this simple web form.