UNIS’ authors should follow the principles in the Norwegian national recommended guidelines for crediting institutions.

Consider the following main criteria for crediting institutions

  1. You should cite an institution as an affiliation if it has provided a necessary and material basis for an author’s participation in the research, or contribution to the work.  
  2. The author should also cite other affiliated institutions that meet the requirements in point 1. 
  3. Employment status or supervisory responsibilities at an institution may be sufficient to credit the institution if the requirements in point 1 are met.  

A “necessary and material basis for an author’s participation in the research, or contribution to the work” is understood to mean in an academic context, not merely administrative.

Providing funding, labs, data, or significant academic guidance (either via a guidance counsellor or through active engagement in the institution’s academic environment) for the work are relevant contributions, whereas administrative responsibilities such as having overall responsibility for the student, judging the student’s work or approving their guidance counsellors, are not relevant considerations for giving credit. 

How to cite

Department of Arctic Biology, UNIS – The University Centre in Svalbard, Longyearbyen, Norway. 

If connected to a research centre, please cite like this: 

Birkeland Centre for Space Science, Department of Arctic Geophysics, UNIS – The University Centre in Svalbard, Longyearbyen, Norway. 

Researchers with two positions

The accepted norm is that researchers with primary employment at institution X and secondary employment at institution Y typically credit institution X for work done for institution X. Both X and Y should be credited for work done for institution Y. The affiliation where the author has the main position must be specified first.

Employees in positions without a research component at UNIS cannot use UNIS as their author affiliation in publications unless UNIS has made a necessary and material contribution to or provided a basis for the published work.

UNIS researchers with a primary or secondary position with another institution should also note that the other institution may have their own rules and expectations for citing them that you should familiarize yourself with.

Students, PhD-candidates, postdocs

Doctoral research fellows should credit their home institution, as well as any other institution that meets the criteria in point 1 above. PhD candidates employed by UNIS should therefore provide UNIS as their author address while externally funded PhD candidates should provide their main employer’s address and UNIS, so long as UNIS provided a meaningful contribution to the research.