It is strongly recommended that all UNIS researchers register an account with ORCID.
ORCID accounts are persistent IDs and help ensure that you retain your identifiability when changing institutions, when other researchers have the same name as you or when using different name-forms – and it can follow you through your entire career.
It not only helps ensure you get recognized for your work but cuts down on administrative workload for both you and support staff.
An increasing number of publishers are pushing for researchers to use ORCID IDs, or even making them mandatory.
Note – ORCID is a non-profit organization, and registering is completely free.
Find more information at ORCID’s web page and in the video below.
How to get started
1. Go to ORCID’s web page and fill in your personal information.
2. Use your ID, when prompted, in systems and platforms from grant application to manuscript submission and beyond, to ensure you get credit for your contributions.
3. The more information connected to your ORCID record, the more you’ll benefit from sharing your iD – so give the organizations you trust permission to update your record as well as adding your affiliations, emails, other names you’re known by, and more.
Link your works to your ID by using Scopus
You can of course add publications by hand, but it is easier to import your publications and other research output to your ORCID record automatically. Under the Works header on your ORCID profile page, click Add, then Search & Link and select a tool to import your works automatically.
If you’re looking to import a large number of works at once, ORCID recommends choosing the wizard Scopus Elsevier. This imports your Scopus identifier, Author profile and publications.
Note: If you have works indexed in Scopus, you have one (or more) automatically generated Scopus identifiers/Author profiles. Your publications on Scopus may be spread over a number of different Author profiles. The wizard helps you find the correct Scopus profile(s) and to confirm your publications.