Library regulations
Faculty, staff, and students at UNIS, and institutions with a special library agreement, have access to the UNIS Library.
- A library card is required in order to borrow items from the UNIS Library. Library cards are personal and not transferable to anyone else.
- Borrowing books or receiving documents as Inter Library Loan (ILL) is free of charge.
- The library will only process ILL requests that are needed for UNIS related work. For private use please refer to the public library.
- Normal loan period is 4 weeks, with recall after 2 weeks when there is a waiting list. An item can be renewed up to 3 times if it has not been reserved by another user. ILLs may follow different regulations.
- Board games have a loan period of 1 week. Reference literature and certain special collections are not normally available for loan, but can be used in the library.
- Items on hold must be picked up within a week.
- The patron is responsible for returning their loans within the due date. The patron can renew their loans on the self-checkout machine in the Library, or by contacting the Library at
- UNIS staff members, PhDs, and staff at institutions with special library agreements may automatically have their loans renewed up to a year. ILLs may follow different regulations.
- The patron is responsible for returning the books in the same condition as when borrowed.
- Lost or damaged items will be fined. The minimum fine is 700 NOK (*). The claim will be sent after the third reminder. Then the lending rights are suspended until the claim is paid or the patron’s replacement copy is received. Should the lost documents be found, the library holds the property of the lost book also after the claim has been paid, however, the patron will be refunded the claim, except the processing costs of 400 NOK.
- Unpaid claims will be debited your pay check if you’re having a working agreement with UNIS, if not, unpaid claims will be transferred to a collecting agency.
Violations of these lending rules may lead to loss of lending rights in the UNIS library.
(*) There are no maximum fines so the cost of replacing the book is often used – on top of that 400 NOK is always added as administrative costs.