Access to the UNIS Library’s institutional subscriptions is obtained via IP-address recognition, i.e. by logging into a computer at UNIS or via EduRoam. Alternatively you can use the UNIS VPN (requires an active UNIS account).

For inter-library loans, contact us at

All links are external links.

Can’t access a resource?

A quick checklist for common issues:

  1. Are you located on a UNIS IP, or connected to UNIS via VPN?
  2. Is the article you’re trying to access covered by UNIS’ subscription, and by our coverage range?
  3. Are you trying to access a type of material we are not subscribed to? For example, are you trying to view an e-book from a platform where we are only subscribed to journal articles?

If you still cannot access any resources after correcting for the points above, there may be a problem with the publisher failing to recognize your right to access the materials. Please send us an email at so we can investigate the issue and help you get access to the material you need.

Terms for accessing licensed full text

The access is limited to users at UNIS. The articles can be printed or saved solely for private use, or for research purposes. You are not allowed to pass articles (as files or prints) to a third party. Systematic downloading of articles or search results is prohibited.

The UNIS catalogue and discovery tools

OriaOria is a discovery tool that allows you to search in the Norwegian academic libraries’ resources, books, articles, journals, music, films and electronic resources etc.

Please note that the Oria account features are not active for UNIS staff and students at this time.
Oria Journal SearchA complete list of journals UNIS subscribes to, with more details on coverage, subject matter, and more.

Bibliographic databases

Arctic & Antarctic RegionsIndex to articles, books etc. on cold regions and polar areas. Especially comprehensive on documents published before 2009.
GeoRefGeological indexing. Accessed via GeoScienceWorld.
SciFinderⁿIndex to chemistry (environmental chemistry, geochemistry, biochemistry etc.). Not only references, also tools for substances, properties, reactions. Please register with your UNIS e-mail before you start searching the first time. Also, check out the useful guides (no login needed).
ScopusScopus is a citation and abstract database with direct links to full text. It covers all subjects in science.

Full text packages

Note: Coverage may vary for each journal in the package. You can get exact coverage dates by looking up the journal in Oria.

ACSAmerican Chemical Society (ACS) is primarily focused on chemistry and related fields.

UNIS has access to all ACS journals, starting from 1996.
BioOneBioOne serves more than 150 nonprofit publishers with a special emphasis on biology, ecology, and environmental sciences.
Access to all BioOne journals, starting from 2001.
Cambridge University PressThe Cambridge Core collection grants access to all of Cambridge University’s journals as well as journals from their partner institutions and universities.

The UNIS Library has access to all journals.
GeoScienceWorldGeoScienceWorld holds a number of full text journals covering earth and planetary sciences. Their website has some unique features, such as integration with the GeoRef database and the ability to article-search using coordinates on a map.
The UNIS Library has access to all journal volumes.
JSTORJSTOR has a particular focus on digitizing older works and making them available online.
The UNIS Library has access to the Life Sciences Collection and Arts & Sciences II journal collections.
Lyell CollectionLyell Collection covers the Geological Society of London and a few smaller societies digital collection of journals and book serials within earth science.
The UNIS Library has access to both journals and books from volume 1.
ScienceDirectThe journal collection of Elsevier, covering most academic disciplines.
Access to all journals, starting from 1995. For certain journals within earth and planetary sciences our access starts from volume 1.
SpringerLinkThe journal collection of Springer covers most academic disciplines.
Complete access to all Springer journals. See the next section below for Nature journals.
Taylor & Francis OnlineTaylor & Francis covers many academic disciplines.
The UNIS Library has access to the Science & Technology pack, and the Social Sciences and Humanities pack. This extends access to most journals in Taylor & Francis’ collection (with the exception of Medicine) from 1997 onward, as well as a few journals from volume 1.
Wiley Online LibraryWiley has a particular focus on scientific, technical and engineering disciplines.
The UNIS Library has access to the Wiley journals from 1996 and on, and some journals from volume 1.


ArcticFull coverage. Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America.
The Canadian Field-NaturalistFull coverage.
The HoloceneFull coverage.
ICES journal of marine scienceCoverage from 1996.
The ISME JournalFull coverage. Nature journal within microbial ecology.
Journal of applied meteorology and climatologyFull coverage. Journal from the American Meteorological Society.
Journal of climateFull coverage. Journal from the American Meteorological Society.
The journal of geologyGeoScienceWorld: Coverage from 1999 to most recent release.
University of Chicago Press: Coverage from 1997 – 2023. Older issues from 1893-1925 also available for free.
Journal of physical oceanographyFull coverage. Journal from the American Meteorological Society.
Journal of plankton researchCoverage from 1996.
Journal of the atmospheric sciencesFull coverage. Journal from the American Meteorological Society.
NatureCoverage from 2009.
Nature Climate ChangeCoverage from 2014. Precedes (Nature Reports: Climate Change) from 2007-2010 also available for free.
Nature GeoscienceCoverage from 2012.
Physics todayFull coverage.
ScienceCoverage from October 1996. Older backfiles can be found at JSTOR.

Free Resources

Open PolarOpen Polar is a service developed by UiT – The Arctic University of Norway and the Norwegian Polar Institute. It is an Open Access portal for research data and publications on the Arctic and Antarctic.
DOAJThe Directory of Open Access Journals. Tens of thousands of fully open access journals.
NORAAllows you to search through Norwegian institutional archives in one place. It includes articles, theses, reports, and more. All its contents are free to read.

Note that the site has no English-language version.
National Library of NorwayThe National Library of Norway has made a large portion of their Norwegian titles available online, as well as many other kinds of materials, such as old issues of Svalbardposten, maps of Svalbard, photos, and more.

Please note that the site has no English-language version. It is openly available to everyone in Norway. Students and staff at UNIS have the ability to access some materials that are otherwise restricted access – please contact the UNIS Library ( for assistance. is a global registry of research data repositories that covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines. It presents repositories for the permanent storage and access of data sets to researchers, funding bodies, publishers and scholarly institutions. promotes a culture of sharing, increased access and better visibility of research data. The registry went live in autumn 2012 and is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). is a national registry of data repositories in Norway, as well as a repository in its own. Contains mostly open government data from the public sector made available in such a format that furthers use in new contexts. Data can be anything from simple lists and tables in documents and reports to sophisticated databases with information from several of the agency’s computer systems.