UNIS authors can get the cost for Open Access publishing covered or discounted through agreements several publishers.

Remember! Always send information to the Library via the web form for your publishing plan before submitting an article.

There are requirements for how to publish articles funded by public money. UNIS will not cover the cost for publishing that does not comply with the requirements. Find all information you need about requirements an UNIS’ criteria for covering publishing costs on this page: How to publish Open Access.

Publish and Read Agreements

UNIS is a member of the Sikt consortium, which negotiates collective national “Publish and Read Agreements” (PaR) with larger publishers on behalf of Norwegian institutions. The goal is to reduce costs and establish national funds to handle the costs for Open Access publishing, called Article Processing Charges (APC).

UNIS has co-signed PaR agreements with the following publishers:

PublisherWhat the agreements cover
American Chemical SocietyAPC covered for most Hybrid and Gold journals.
Cambridge University PressAPC covered for all Hybrid and Gold journals.
ElsevierAPC covered for most Hybrid journals.
15% discount on APC for Gold journals.   
Frontiers10% discount on APC for Gold journals.
MDPI25% discount on APC for Gold journals.
SpringerAPC covered for most Hybrid journals.
No discount on APC for Gold journals.
(Journals in SpringerOpen and Nature Research are not included.)
Taylor & FrancisAPC covered for most Hybrid journals.
10% discount on APC for Gold journals.

Gold journal: The whole journal is free and accessible without restrictions. Hybrid journal: The journal is subscription based but allows authors to pay for Open Access for individual articles. Find out which type your chosen journal is by checking the list of titles (“Tittelliste”) found in the links above. Journals marked “par” or “publish_only” are covered by the publishing agreement.

The agreements do not cover additional publications costs such as colour print, extra pages, etc. This must be paid by the author.

How to benefit from an agreement

First – send information to the Library via the web form for your publishing plan before submitting an article. If approved by the Library, proceed as described below.

​​​​​​​You, as the first and corresponding author, must state your UNIS affiliation when submitting the article.The submitting system will try to automatically detect whether your publication is eligible to be covered by an UNIS agreement.

When asked, opt for Open Access. Choose the Creative Commons license CC BY unless you have strong reasons to choose a more restrictive model. For publications from projects funded by the Research Council of Norway and EU, the Plan S requires CC BY license. See more about licenses.

By following the links in the table above, you will find descriptions of the submitting workflow and how to make the correct choices when requesting APC coverage. 

The request goes through the publisher to UNIS’ library, which takes care of further administration. If the APC can be covered according to UNIS’ criteria, no invoice will be sent to the author.

Other publishers

UNIS may also cover article charges from other publishers, according to the criteria as described here: How to publish Open Access.