Anniversary Photo Competition

Runner-up in the fieldwork category in the Anniversary Photo Competition for students: Ingeborg Høiaas

Top image: Geology fieldwork on Paulabreen. Photo: Ingeborg Høiaas/UNIS

This spring, we announced a photo competition for our students as part of the celebration of UNIS’ 25th anniversary. We got an impressive 180 entries in total, spread in the three categories fieldwork, nature and social life.

24 October 2018

98 of the photos were entered in the nature category, 51 in the fieldwork category and 31 in the social life category. The jury, consisting of representatives from the study department, administration and the scientific departments, had a very difficult task in choosing the winners. We first did an initial screening and then gave the shortlisted photos scores from 1 to 10 for composition, technical quality and artistic quality. The winners in each category receive 3000 NOK and the two runner-ups 1000 NOK each.
Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to everyone who participated!

See all winners here – click for larger images:

Winner of the fieldwork category in the Anniversary Photo Competition for students: Yannick Rouven Kern
Winner of the fieldwork category: Yannick Rouven Kern
Runner-up in the fieldwork category in the Anniversary Photo Competition for students: Ingeborg Høiaas
Runner-up in the fieldwork category: Ingeborg Høiaas
Runner-up in the fieldwork category in the Anniversary Photo Competition for students: Magnus Heide Andreasen
Runner-up in the fieldwork category: Magnus Heide Andreasen
Winner of the nature category in the Anniversary Photo Competition for students: Anna Ejsmond
Winner of the nature category: Anna Ejsmond
Runner-up in the nature category in the Anniversary Photo Competition for students: Lauritz Schönfeld
Runner-up in the nature category: Lauritz Schönfeld
Runner-up in the nature category in the Anniversary Photo Competition for students: Lauritz Schönfeld
Runner-up in the nature category: Lauritz Schönfeld
Winner of the social life category in the Anniversary Photo Competition for students: Samuel Eide
Winner of the social life category: Samuel Eide
Runner-up in the social life category in the Anniversary Photo Competition for students: Joshua Dreyer
Runner-up in the social life category: Joshua Dreyer
Runner-up in the social life category in the Anniversary Photo Competition for students: Peter Betlem
Runner-up in the social life category: Peter Betlem


Research Student life