Apply for autumn courses 2021

AB-201 at Kapp Linné, August 2011. Photo: Steve Coulson/UNIS

Top image: Biology students doing fieldwork near Kapp Linné. Photo: Steve Coulson/UNIS.

Apply now for UNIS autumn semester courses! The application deadline is 15 April 2021.

1 March 2021

There are 35 courses on bachelor, master and PhD level that are now open for application within biology, geology, geophysics, technology and safety. The duration of the courses ranges from two weeks up to a whole semester.

UNIS courses with application deadline 15 April 2021 are:

Arctic Biology

Bachelor courses:
AB-201 Terrestrial Arctic Biology (15 ECTS)
AB-204 Arctic Population Ecology (15 ECTS)
AB-206 Introduction to Svalbard’s terrestrial flora and fauna (5 ECTS)

Master courses:
AB-321 Ecology of Arctic Marine Benthos (10 ECTS)
AB-332 Arctic Marine Molecular Ecology (10 ECTS)

PhD courses:
AB-821 Ecology of Arctic Marine Benthos (10 ECTS)
AB-832 Arctic Marine Molecular Ecology (10 ECTS)


Arctic Geology

Bachelor courses:
AG-204 The Physical Geography of Svalbard (15 ECTS)
AG-210 The Quaternary- and Glacial Geology of Svalbard (15 ECTS)
AG-211 Arctic Marine Geology (15 ECTS)
AG-221 Arctic Physical Geographical Field Techniques (15 ECTS)

Master courses:
AG-323 Sequence Stratigraphy – a Tool for Basin Analysis (10 ECTS)

AG-348 Arctic Late Quaternary Glacial and Marine Environmental History (10 ECTS)

PhD courses:
AG-823 Sequence Stratigraphy – a Tool for Basin Analysis (10 ECTS)

AG-848 Arctic Late Quaternary Glacial and Marine Environmental History (10 ECTS)


Arctic Geophysics

Bachelor courses:
AGF-210 The Middle Polar Atmosphere (15 ECTS)
AGF-213 Polar Meteorology and Climate (15 ECTS)
AGF-214 Polar Ocean Climate (15 ECTS)
AGF-223 Remote Sensing and Space Instrumentation (15 ECTS)

Master courses:
AGF-345 Polar Magnetospheric Substorms (10 ECTS)

PhD courses:
AGF-845 Polar Magnetospheric Substorms (10 ECTS)


Arctic Technology

Master courses:
AT-301 Arctic Infrastructures in a Changing Climate (10 ECTS)
AT-327 Arctic Offshore Engineering (10 ECTS)
AT-332 Physical Environmental Loads on Arctic Coastal and Offshore Structures (10 ECTS)
AT-334 Arctic Marine Measurements Techniques, Operations and Transport (10 ECTS)

PhD courses:
AT-801 Arctic Infrastructures in a Changing Climate (10 ECTS)
AT-827 Arctic Offshore Engineering (10 ECTS)
AT-832 Physical Environmental Loads on Arctic Coastal and Offshore Structures (10 ECTS)
AT-834 Arctic Marine Measurements Techniques, Operations and Transport (10 ECTS)


Arctic Safety

Master courses:
AS-302 Safety Management in the Arctic (10 ECTS)
AS-303 Emergency Preparedness and Response in the Arctic (10 ECTS)
AS-304 Risk, Technology and Human Performance in Arctic Operations (10 ECTS)

Application deadline: 15 April 2021



Browse all our courses

AG-210 students take a break from fieldwork in Billefjorden. Photo: Endre Før Gjermundsen/UNIS.
AG-210 students take a break from fieldwork in Billefjorden. Photo: Endre Før Gjermundsen/UNIS.


Professor Mads Forchhammer and AB-201 students in Bjørnfjorden with the mighty Smeerenburgbreen in the background.
Professor Mads Forchhammer and AB-201 students in Bjørnfjorden with the mighty Smeerenburgbreen in the background. Photo: Tina Dahl/UNIS.


Fieldwork set-up on Breinosa, Svalbard
AT-332/832 fieldwork. Photo: Nataly Marchenko/UNIS.
Arctic Biology Arctic Geology Arctic Geophysics Arctic Safety Centre Arctic Technology Courses Education Student life