Award-winning CO2 hydrate research

UNIS is member of the Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS). Photo: UNIS.
UNIS PhD candidate Peter Betlem and associate professor Kim Senger together with co-authors recently received the Best Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS) Paper award for 2019.
21 August 2020
Text: Sintef
The Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS) leadership team recently announced two joint winners of the Best NCCS Paper award for 2019. NCCS is an eight-year research centre that aims to fast-track deployment of CO2 capture, transport and storage technologies.
The two winning papers are:
Demonstrating the potential of CO2 hydrate self-sealing in Svalbard, Arctic Norway, by Stian Almenningen, Peter Betlem, Arif Hussain, Srikumar Roy, Kim Senger & Geir Ersland was published in the International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 89, 1-8.
Techno-economic analyses of CO2 liquefaction: Impact of product pressure and impurities, by Han Deng, Simon Roussanaly & Geir Skaugen was published in the International Journal of Refrigeration, 103, 301-315.
Congratulations to both teams!
In connection with this reward UNIS PhD candidate Peter Betlem was interviewed by Sintef and you can read the full interview here: