Dialogue Café: Communication between science and Longyearbyen local community

Longyearbyen in late January 2016. Photo: Eva Therese Jenssen/UNIS
On Thursday 6 December we invite the public to an open dialogue café where scientists and local actors discuss societal challenges and possibilities in the ongoing climate change. The dialogue café will take place in “Møysalen” at UNIS 15:30–18:00.
The aim of this workshop/dialogue café is to initiate a dialogue on knowledge, challenges and possibilities related to climate, nature, and the environment in Svalbard. A central question is how research on climate and the environment can be of use for the local community in Longyearbyen. Different local actors will give short statements about what they see as the most important challenges and possibilities related to climate, nature, and the environment within their sector, as well as what knowledge is needed.
Local participants include representatives from the Longyearbyen Community Council, UNIS, the Arctic Safety Center, Svalbard Chamber of Commerce, Visit Svalbard and the Governor of Svalbard.
The dialogue café will take place in “Møysalen” at UNIS 15:30–18:00 and is open to all interested parties.
The workshop/dialogue café is part of the “Research school on cross-disciplinary science in the Arctic and collaboration with local communities” organized by Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center and collaborating partners under the project “Useful Arctic Knowledge: partnership for research and education” (UAK) in collaboration with the H2020 project Integrated Arctic Observation System (INTAROS), the H2020 project NUNATARYUK and the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS).