Dialogue meetings regarding new strategy for research and higher education in Svalbard

Top image: Arctic Geology students in Ekmanfjorden. Photo: Sebastian Sikora/UNIS
The Ministry of Education and Research has commissioned the Research Council of Norway to provide input on an overall strategy for research and higher education in Svalbard. Dialogue meetings will be organized in Oslo, Tromsø and Longyearbyen to get input from stakeholders.
27 January 2017
The Research Council would like to invite everyone who is involved in or has interests in research and higher education in Svalbard to contribute to the strategy. Both national and international institutions are welcome. The meetings will be held in English, but it is possible to give input in Norwegian. It will also be possible to submit written comments.
The planned dialogue meetings are:
21 February in Tromsø (Linken)
28 February in Oslo (The Research Council)
2 March in Longyearbyen (UNIS, Svalbard Science Centre)
To register to the meetings or send written input to the Research Council, please visit this page:
What are your opinions on tomorrow’s research and higher education in Svalbard?
Read more about the planned strategy here:
Research and education strategy for Svalbard underway