New learning spaces
In September, new student learning spaces were opened on the ground floor in the student housing at Elvesletta – opening up for more collaborative work.

Welcome to the new learning spaces at Elvesletta! Photo: Fabienne Mannherz
– It could have been another sport shop, UNIS director Jøran Moen said during the opening ceremony, but luckily the need for a space for reading, individual studying and group work weighed heavier.
On September 16, the new learning spaces at Elvesletta student housing were officially opened.

Tina Dahl, one of the initiative takers from UNIS, is very pleased with how the learning spaces have turned out. She hope the new learning areas fill further improve the students’ learning.
The room layout and furnishing was developed in collaboration with Ivar Nordmo from the Department of Education, UiB, together with the architect firm ATPA and an UNIS committee that included representatives of bioCEED, iEarth and the Student Council.
– The close cooperation has been very important for the result, and we’ve created a space that meet the users’ needs, Dahl said.

Better study environment
– The aim of the new learning spaces is to create good work spaces. Here students can either work alone, in the company of others, or together, so-called informal learning spaces, Dahl said.
The growing number of students at UNIS through the years and the lack of informal learning spaces have demonstrated a need for such areas.
– The students are often required to work on group projects or have independent study time. The UNIS building doesn’t have sufficient space, and therefore the new learning spaces will be an important and necessary contribution to improving the students’ learning environment, Dahl said.
The areas have a combined working capacity of 100 people, and are flexible in terms of layout and usage. Furniture can be moved around and also support different needs.
It is easily accessible for students to use since it is close to the student housing and is open during daytime and evening.