Summer school 2020: Global Arctic

Bildet tatt av paraglider Gjermundsen kl. halv tolv om natta, juli 2014.
UPDATE 17 March: The Global Arctic Summer School is postponed until 2021.
UNIS is one of the partners in the interdisciplinary PhD and postdoc summer school “Global Arctic”.
14 January 2020/updated 17 March 2020
The interdisciplinary PhD and postdoc summer school in Longyearbyen, Svalbard is hosted by the Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research (NVP), in cooperation with the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) and the Nansen Scientific Society.
- Venue: UNIS – The University Centre in Svalbard, Longyearbyen, Svalbard.
- Period: 2021
The Arctic region is rapidly increasing in global significance. Climate change transforms the environmental conditions in previously unseen ways with new challenges and opportunities for logistics, resource exploitation and commercial development, but also exerting pressures on indigenous and local populations and vulnerable ecosystems. Geopolitical and strategic issues are brought to the forefront of the international political agendas.
The challenges encountered in the Arctic are mirrored in the Second Pole – the Antarctic, and particularly within the region of the Third Pole, the Himalayan Region. NVP has therefore decided to apply the concept of “Three Poles” to be the framework that links the Arctic, the Antarctic and the Himalayan regions as an umbrella framework for the Svalbard Summer Schools 2020 -2021 – 2022, to be held in Longyearbyen, Svalbard.
For more information, see and
The main target group for the NVP Summer School 2020 – Global Arctic, is PhD students and postdocs. In some cases, students with a MSc degree or equivalent and with special professional qualifications may also participate. The relevance of current studies, including personal motivation and relevant experiences are important selection criteria.
Applications for the NVP Summer School 2020 – Global Arctic shall include a CV and a letter which describes a rationale and justification for the application. A tentative title of a poster to present current studies / projects should be included.
Applications are sent to the Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research (NVP), att. Office Manager Jorge Kristiansen e-mail with the subject: “Application summer school 2020”.
Application deadline is 15 February 2020. The selected candidates will be notified by the end of March 2020.