Summer/autumn courses open for application

Evangeline Sessford (AG master student) på feltarbeid på sentrale Spitsbergen. Ukjent årstall, antagelig 2011 eller 2012.

Top image: Arctic Geology fieldwork. Photo: Hanna Hassberg/UNIS
23 January 2017

Apply now for our summer semester courses (and autumn semester courses in Arctic Geophysics)! Application deadline is 15 February 2017.

17 courses are now open for application. Questions regarding the application process? Contact

Arctic Biology

Master courses:
AB-326 Arctic Plant Ecology (10 ECTS)
AB-327 Arctic Microbiology (10 ECTS)

PhD courses:
AB-826 Arctic Plant Ecology (10 ECTS)
AB-827 Arctic Microbiology (10 ECTS)

Arctic Geology

Bachelor courses:
AG-218 International Bachelor Permafrost Summer Field School (10 ECTS)
AG-220 Environmental Change in the High Arctic Landscape of Svalbard (10 ECTS)

Master courses:
AG-338 Sedimentology Field Course – from Depositional Systems to Sedimentary Architecture (10 ECTS)
AG-349 Geological Constraints on CO2 Storage (5 ECTS)
AG-350 Arctic Glaciers and Landscapes (10 ECTS)

PhD courses:
AG-838 Sedimentology Field Course – from Depositional Systems to Sedimentary Architecture (10 ECTS)
AG-849 Geological Constraints on CO2 Storage (5 ECTS)
AG-850 Arctic Glaciers and Landscapes (10 ECTS)

Arctic Geophysics

Bachelor courses:
AGF-210 The Middle Polar Atmosphere (15 ECTS)
AGF-213 Polar Meteorology and Climate (15 ECTS)
AGF-214 Polar Ocean Climate (15 ECTS)

Master course:
AGF-353 Sustainable Arctic Energy Exploration and Development (5 ECTS)

PhD course:
AGF-853 Sustainable Arctic Energy Exploration and Development (5 ECTS)


Arctic Biology Arctic Geology Arctic Geophysics