The ColdCast – podcast launch

UNIS is launching the northernmost podcast in the world, The ColdCast. Get familiar with the science and research that goes on in the Arctic.

In the first episode of The ColdCast we have a chat with professor in oceanography, Frank Nilsen. Photo: Maria Philippa Rossi

UNIS is very excited to launch our new podcast series – The ColdCast. Throughout eight episodes the podcast will give you an insight to the exciting research that goes on at the University Centre in Svalbard. You’ll meet professors and students who are passionate about their cold climate research, and learn more about the Arctic – both as a field of study, but also as a place people call home.

In the first episode of The Cold Cast we have the pleasure of being joined by Frank Nilsen. Frank is a professor in oceanography, and has worked at UNIS since 2001. He has had multiple roles at UNIS, including being in charge of the very popular Arctic geophysics course Air-Sea-Ice-interaction.  

The podcast is produced by technician Simen Salomonsen Hjelle and information adviser Maria Philippa Rossi.

Happy listening!

Arctic Geophysics Education Outreach Partnerships Projects