In this project, we develop and test preparation and assessment forms that are suited for field and lab related learning outcomes.

Certification of field skills on vegetation recording techniques. Photo: Simen Hjelle

About the project
Field and lab teaching is an important component in many natural science courses. It incorporate research in education and provides students with hands-on practical skills and general competences. However, many of the learning outcomes related to field and lab activities are never part of a direct assessment. Based on the concept of constructive alignment, we achieve better learning when aligning intended learning outcomes, activities, and assessment. In FieldPass we are looking into how we better can assess practical and transferable skills as well as prepare students upon field and lab activities. This will optimize and enhance students field and lab learning.

We are currently developing and testing several alternative forms of assessment tools, such as virtual field guides (VFGs), reflection dairies, and practical certification schemes to test practical skills. Underneath you can find a closer description of the different tools.
FieldPass is a cross-disciplinary project at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS). The project do also involve partnership and collaboration with The University of Bergen and The University of Oslo as well as tightly linked to two SFUs (Centre for Excellence in Education), bioCEED and iEARTH , where UNIS is a partner.
The project will run from 2019 to 2023.