Aleksey Shestov Associate professor 4797604713 A 239 Arctic technology Research interests Soil and ice mechanics, frozen ground and offshore engineering, thermodynamics of ice ridges. Courses AT-305 Frozen Ground Engineering for Arctic Infrastructures (10 ECTS) AT-805 Frozen Ground Engineering for Arctic Infrastructures (10 ECTS) Project involvements active PermaMeteoCommunity An interdisciplinary project focusing on developing resilience in Arctic communities by providing a climate change response system. This system will assist decision-making by providing real-time key geo-scientific observations affected by the increasing climatic changes, especially the high Arctic environment. News mentions 18. December 2020 Permafrost climate change observation system with local and Arctic importance 26. June 2020 Pile test campaign to monitor thawing permafrost Publications The Arctic Fjord Breeze: Characteristics of a Combined Sea Breeze and Valley Wind in a Svalbard Fjord Valley Matthias Markus Henkies Aleksey Shestov Anna Sjöblom Go to External Publication