Lisa Baddeley

Professor, Space physics – radar applications

B 324

Personal webistes

Publication list and data sets in Orchid.

Key Research Interests

  • Solar Wind – Magnetosphere – Ionosphere coupling.
  • Polar cap and auroral phenomena such as polar cap patches, flow channels and dayside aurora.
  • Energy dissipation through Ultra Low Frequency Field Line Resonance Structures.
  • European Incoherent Scatter (EISCAT) and Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) observations of ionospheric features.

Available master’s projects

No avaliable projects at the moment. Please contact me if you have any project ideas-

EISCAT Radar Responsibilities

Responsible for the allocation of experimental time on the EISCAT radars for the Norwegian science community.

Deputy Board member for the Norwegian EISCAT-3D committee.

For information on obtaining experimental time on the EISCAT radars (Svalbard or Tromsø).

Outreach Profile

Read more about Lisa in the Space Data Zone.


AGF-304 Radar Diagnostics of Space Plasma (15 ECTS)

AGF-804 Radar Diagnostics of Space Plasma (15 ECTS)

Project involvements

News mentions


Space and atmospheric physics on Svalbard: a case for continued incoherent scatter radar measurements under the cusp and in the polar cap boundary region

Lisa Baddeley Dag A. Lorentzen Stein Haaland Kjellmar Oksavik Noora Partamies

Space Weather Disturbances in Non-Stormy Times: Occurrence of dB/dt Spikes During Three Solar Cycles

Lisa Baddeley

On the Creation, Depletion, and End of Life of Polar Cap Patches

Dag A. Lorentzen Kjellmar Oksavik Lisa Baddeley