The AT courses offered at UNIS are especially designed for today’s Arctic technology challenges including priority aspects of climate change, as the courses have the advantage of being taught in an Arctic environment where this type of technology has been applied for many decades. At UNIS, students conduct field activities implemented in actual research projects. This gives students the opportunity to study both the theoretical and practical aspects of Arctic environmental technology, and further to benchmark analytical and numerical models and simulations, in order to provide better assessments and predictions for Arctic societal challenges and contribute to sustainable environmental development.

Arctic Engineering

Knowledge of Arctic engineering technology is essential to provide sound design and construction recommendations both offshore and onshore in the Arctic. UNIS students can participate in infrastructure projects in Svalbard, as well as field studies of sea-ice properties in the adjacent seas. Studies on avalanches and slides in the mountains of Svalbard are integrated into the Arctic Technology course portfolio in collaboration with the Arctic Safety Centre.

Arctic Environmental Technology

Both local and long range transported pollutants their degradation processes, transport mechanisms and environmental effects have to be understood to implement remedial measures and reduce risk for human health and the ecosystem.

Arctic Renewable Energy

A course portfolio for a semester long study track on sustainable Arctic energy has been developed. It consists of three course that build on each other and is presently implemented involving the mainland universities in Norway.

Teaching blocks

Teaching blockStartArctic EngineeringArctic Environ. TechnologyArctic renewable Energy
Block 1 (spring)08.01.25AT-305AT-331
Block 2 (spring)03.03.25AT-311AT-330
Block 3 (spring)22.04.25AT-319AT-324
Block 5 (autumn)11.08.25AT-334AE-341
Block 6 (autumn)22.09.25AE-342
Block 7 (autumn)03.11.25AT-332AE-343
Sea ice studies in Van Mijenfjorden.
Students from AT-331-course doing a snow profile study of contaminant deposition in Hanaskogdalen. Photo: Gijsbert Breedveld

Master courses

PhD Courses