UNIS offers courses at bachelor, master and PhD-level within natural sciences and Arctic safety. Applicants must be enrolled at an higher education institution.

Who can apply

Geophysics students during field work in St. Johnsfjorden.
Geophysics students during field work in St. Johnsfjorden. Photo: Maria Philippa Rossi/UNIS

These requirements must be fulfilled prior to applying for any course:

  • The applicant must be enrolled at Bachelor-, Master- or PhD level at a Norwegian institution of higher education or an accredited international institution of higher education.
  • To be accepted at the bachelor’s level, the minimum academic prerequisite is 60 ECTS in general natural sciences. Additionally, you will need to meet the course-specific requirements listed in each course description.
  • Applicants must fulfill academic requirements and, where applicable, any additional course requirements set by UNIS.

Different levels

Bachelor courses (200-level)

Students applying for a full semester, 30 ECTS, are given priority. Students should therefore choose two bachelor courses.

Master and PhD courses (300 and 800 levels)

At master and PhD level UNIS offers shorter and more intensive courses spanning from a few weeks up to one semester. By reading course descriptions you will find additional information on when the courses are given, prerequisite knowledge and learning outcomes. This to help you apply for suitable course combinations and plan your stay.

Please read the general information on recommended course combinations within each department:

How to apply

Application for studies at UNIS is done online:

Required documentation:

For documents in other languages than Scandinavian or English, an official translation to Norwegian or English is required. Both translated documents and original documents must be uploaded.

  • Transcript of records including a grading scheme from previous and current education at university level.
  • Diploma(s) of completed degree(s) (if you have completed a degree) including grading scheme.
  • A confirmation that you are enrolled in a programme (bachelor-, master- or PhD) at a higher education institution. This enrolment must be valid during your planned stay at UNIS.
  • Students who come to UNIS on an Erasmus+ exchange must upload either the nomination letter or learning agreement.
  • A list of courses you are attending in the current semester/term.
  • Copies of relevant pages of your passport.

You may pause the application process after choosing courses and prior to uploading documents.

After finalising your application, you may check your application status in the Application Web. Decisions upon applications will be available 3–5 weeks after the application deadline. You will receive an e-mail when the decisions are made.

If you are accepted you must log on to the Application Web and accept or decline the offer within the given deadline.

Go to the Application web

Application deadlines

Summer courses:1 March
Autumn courses:1 March
Spring courses:1 October
  • The online application system for summer and autumn courses opens 1 February (application deadline 1 March).
  • The online application system for spring semester courses opens 1 September (application deadline 1 October).


Studieforskrift for UNIS (Norwegian)

Regulations for studies at UNIS (English)

Please contact the Student Administration for questions about enrollment:

E-mail Study@unis.no

Telephone +47 79 02 33 00